
United Nations International School of Hanoi

Baccalaureate (IB) Programme に従います。

UNISマザータング日本語クラスについて http://www.unishanoi.org/?page=mtJapanese

 UNIS マザータング日本語クラスでは、日本の学年での小中学生を対象に母語としての日本語の授業を行っています。


ご興味やご質問のある方は、communityliaison@unishanoi.org までご連絡下さい。

The United Nations International School of Hanoi (UNIS) is a coeducational English-language day school enrolling students from Discovery (for 3 year olds) through grade twelve. The school is located in Tay Ho District, about 6 kilometres from the city centre and close to West Lake and the Red River.

The school was established in 1988 by agencies representing the United Nations, to offer an education to the children of UN personnel and others, according to the principles of the United Nations. As applied to the school, they are to: promote peaceful solutions to problems, develop friendly relations among children and adults of different nationalities, promote cooperation in problem solving in economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian matters, encourage respect for fundamental freedoms and equality for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion and, be a centre for harmonising the action of the UNIS community in the attainment of these common ends.

UNIS is a private, non-profit school which is authorised by the Ministry of Education in Viet Nam, administered by a Head of School and governed by a nine-member Board of Directors comprised of both elected and appointed members. The Head of School is an ex-officio member of the Board.

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